
Lamorinda Entrepenurs chat with the owner of Canyon Club Brewery

Zoom discussion
United States

Join our chat on Zoom with Kevin Hamilton, owner of Canyon Club Brewery in Moraga.

We'll discuss how 2020 has been for his new pub + restaurant and what new business habits will persist into 2021.

Register at the link below: --

Our goal is to promote entrepreneurship throughout Lamorinda.

Lamorinda Entrepreneurs is for entrepreneurs of all stripes, all ages, and industries.

We are an inclusive group that recognizes that all entrepreneurship is hard, whether you're opening a restaurant or an autonomous vehicle startup. We have plenty of experience and wisdom to share, and finding those common challenges and solutions is what makes networking so powerful. We host our own events and also partner with Chambers of Commerce and other economic development organizations in the area on their events. We support entrepreneurs and local businesses as best we can, and we're open to hearing about specific ways we can help.

Lamorinda Entrepenurs chat with the owner of Canyon Club Brewery

For information, advertising or website development

Please contact:
Frank MacCallister, Publisher
Phone: (925) 325-0934